Blacklist Bad Customers

Ever had a customer who was unusually difficult or refused to pay?


How it Works

It's simple. Businesses help each other.

Submit a Bad Apple
Submit Bad Apples
Share your bad customer experiences so other businesses can avoid them
Search the Blacklist
Search the Blacklist
Check out potential customers before starting every job or proposal
Share Bad Applz
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Tell other small businesses about Bad Applz so we can help more people

Who's a Bad Apple?

These types of customers are...

  • Extremely difficult
  • Always late to pay
  • Way too picky
  • Just downright irritable
  • Refuse to pay at all
  • Leave you bad reviews for no reason
Businesses helping each other
When businesses get together and share their bad customer experiences, everyone benefits.
Business working together

We can all save time, reduce stress and frustration, and get paid quickly. Our goal in listing bad apples is to record and share bad customers so you can verify potential clients or customers before you start a proposal or job.

Add a Bad Apple to the Blacklist
Or you can browse the list and avoid difficult customers

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